Final Score: MIT 8848, USMA 8874

The match was a relatively close contest with USMA taking the Open victory, but MIT easily securing the Women’s victory, a good step towards defending our national championship. Air pistol saw a reasonably high team average led by captain Nicholas Fine with a score of 544. Unfortunately it was not enough to beat out an incredibly strong performance by the army team, who won air by a score of 2212 to 2156. Next was Standard Pistol. Leading MIT’s team was Jackie Wu with a spectacular score of 547, 19 points clear of any other competitors in the event. Though MIT also lost this match, it was by a painfully close 2102 to 2105; a difference of only 3 points. There were permutations of the MIT scoring team which would have seen MIT easily win the competition. This is a reassurance, as MIT has historically struggled with standard pistol. Free pistol, a long term source of difficulties continued to be so this weekend. Three members of the scoring team suffered gun malfunctions, two of which resulted in the members shooting with pistols that they had never used, or never used in that event, before. MIT lost 1885 to 2013. This will be an area of focus for improvement as the season continues. In the Women’s events, MIT maintained a dominant presence. MIT started by taking Women’s air pistol by a score of 1069 to 1037. The team was lead by Team manager Sonia Zhang with a score of 360, but all competitors fell within a 9 point spread of each other. Sport pistol again saw MIT victorious. Lead again by Wu’s score of 552, MIT finished with a score 1636 to 1507.